
Hoppler Consulting
Höhenweg 11
8832 Wollerau

+41 79 261 00 34

Commercial register number: CH-

field of application

This is the official website of Hoppler Consulting. This website is for the information of customers. Hoppler Consulting may involve third parties for the operation of the portal.

This information and rules of use refer exclusively to the Hoppler Consulting websites.

The information as well as the rules about the use can change at any time and are binding.

Other rights

Hoppler Consultingis the owner and operator of this website. All trademarks, titles, logos, images, graphics, texts and other materials used on it belong to a legal entity of Hoppler Consulting or a contractual partner of the same. Reproduction and modification in whole or in part for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written consent.

availability of products

Despite the utmost care, erroneous information can not be completely excluded. Hoppler Consulting is not liable for erroneously incorrect product information. Offers are subject to change without notice.


Hoppler Consulting excludes any liability that may arise from accessing or not being able to access the portal and its use. Access to and use of the Portal are not guaranteed.

The portal contains links to third-party websites. These sites are not operated or monitored by Hoppler Consulting. Hoppler Consulting disclaims any liability for the content and compliance with data protection laws by the operators of linked sites.


The Internet is an open network accessible to everyone and is therefore not considered a secure environment in principle. In addition, it is possible that data is transferred abroad and thus possibly to a country with a lower level of data protection than Switzerland, even if the sender and recipient are located in Switzerland. Hoppler Consulting disclaims all liability for the security of data during its transmission via the Internet.

Please read the entire privacy policy carefully. This will tell you how and why we process your personal data and what rights you have in connection with this data processing.